Monthly Archives: February 2019

Magic Fest Los Angeles 2019 Promo

Hi folks! We have some details about the party we’re throwing on Friday, March 1st, at The Dragon and Meeple near the Magic Fest convention center!

Thank you again for your support!

We are launching a video series showing us playing games! Want to be part of watching us play games? Sign up to support us here:

Support the show! or

See our episodes on YouTube:

We’re on iTunes!

Submit your decks to be reviewed here:

Our deck lists are on

Our web site is:

Commanderin’ is also on Podbay:

And you can find us on MTGCast:

You can find us on Instagram:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg
Phil is @phildeluca
Shivam is @elektrotal

You can find us on Twitter:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg –
Phil is @ketjak –
Shivam is @ghirapurigears –

Our email: [email protected]

Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

The “guitar riff” version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).

This episode was edited by Phil DeLuca!

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to Tyler Webb and the Unformatted Review Show for helping us with migrating the podcast to a new home! Each episode, Tyler and his friend, Chris, talk about a movie. They’re not family friendly, but their takes on these movies is worth listening to… without children nearby.

Commanderin’ MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

© Copyright 2019 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.

E162 – Cosplay, Teysa Karlov, and Teysa Cosplayer Olivia Gobert-Hicks

rna-212-teysa-karlovOlivia Gobert-Hicks comes Commanderin’ to tell us about cosplaying and Teysa Karlov from Ravnica Allegiance! (#MTGRNA)

You can find Olivia on Twitter at: @goberthicks
Olivia’s decklist is in our guest folder at:

Brian Canada is @cure_game and his YouTube channel is here:
Brian’s decklist is here:

Thank you again for your support!

We are launching a video series showing us playing games! Want to be part of watching us play games? Sign up to support us here:

Support the show! or

See our episodes on YouTube:

We’re on iTunes!

Submit your decks to be reviewed here:

Our deck lists are on

Our web site is:

Commanderin’ is also on Podbay:

And you can find us on MTGCast:

You can find us on Instagram:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg
Phil is @phildeluca
Shivam is @elektrotal

You can find us on Twitter:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg –
Phil is @ketjak –
Shivam is @ghirapurigears –

Our email: [email protected]

Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

The “guitar riff” version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).

This episode was edited by Vanessa Davis!

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to Tyler Webb and the Unformatted Review Show for helping us with migrating the podcast to a new home! Each episode, Tyler and his friend, Chris, talk about a movie. They’re not family friendly, but their takes on these movies is worth listening to… without children nearby.

Commanderin’ MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

© Copyright 2019 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.

E161 – Aurelia (and stuff)

Aurelia, The Warleader, by Paul Scott Canavan
Aurelia, The Warleader, by Paul Scott Canavan
And now for something completely different.

Shivam and Phil talk before the show every episode, and usually that’s edited away or is distilled into a pithy 2-minutes-or-less intro. This time, though, Shivam thought we talked about some fun topics and decided we should keep it, collapsing recording booth and all.

The main topic of the show is an Aurelia deck from Brian Canada of Cure for the Common Game on YouTube. ( ) Brian impressed us a few months back by showing off his collection of 350+ full Commander decks, and we knew right then we had to work with him. Let us know what you think.

We knew Josh Lee Kwai of the Command Zone was being given Boros in the Game Knights “Ravnica Showdown” episode, and Brian wanted to make it a little more comfortable for Josh to build a Boros deck. Pretty nice of Brian, though we’re sure Josh doesn’t actually need help building Boros.

The video for this show is delayed a bit while we put the finishing touches on it.

As always, we are grateful to our patronii – without you, the show would not grow and thrive as it does. Thank you.
Phil & Shivam

We are launching a video series showing us playing games! Want to be part of watching us play games? Sign up to support us here:
Support the show!

See our episodes on YouTube:
We’re on iTunes!
Submit your decks to be reviewed here:
Our deck lists are on
Our web site is:
Commanderin’ is also on Podbay:
And you can find us on MTGCast:
You can find us on Instagram:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg
Phil is @phildeluca
Shivam is @elektrotal
You can find us on Twitter:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg –
Phil is @ketjak –
Shivam is @ghirapurigears –
Our email: [email protected]
Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast
Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.
The “guitar riff” version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).
This episode was edited by David Mitchell!
Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to
Special thanks to Tyler Webb and the Unformatted Review Show for helping us with migrating the podcast to a new home! Each episode, Tyler and his friend, Chris, talk about a movie. They’re not family friendly, but their takes on these movies is worth listening to… without children nearby.
Commanderin’ MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
© Copyright 2019 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.

E160 – The 75% Theory with Jason Alt

Jason Alt comes visiting for his tenth time – he was our first celebrity guest all the way back in episode 4, so go to our site and enjoy him again… for the first time!
Jason shares his thoughts and evaluates specific cards for the 75% theory. It’s a deep conversation you have to hear, and we suggest you read these two articles on the ethos:
The original article:
The better article:
It’s an interesting topic to consider as Shivam ramps up into the Commander Advisory Group – will these advisors attempt to alter the format to be more attuned to the 75% ethos? You’ll have to hear what Shivam thinks.
You can find Jason on Twitter: @jasonealt
On Brainstorm Brewery:
At Cool Stuff Inc:[]=jason%20alt
And at GP (MagicFest) Las Vegas!
As always, we are grateful to our patronii – without you, the show would not grow and thrive as it does. Thank you.
Phil & Shivam

We are launching a video series showing us playing games! Want to be part of watching us play games? Sign up to support us here:
Support the show!

See our episodes on YouTube:
We’re on iTunes!
Submit your decks to be reviewed here:
Our deck lists are on
Our web site is:
Commanderin’ is also on Podbay:
And you can find us on MTGCast:
You can find us on Instagram:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg
Phil is @phildeluca
Shivam is @elektrotal
You can find us on Twitter:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg –
Phil is @ketjak –
Shivam is @ghirapurigears –
Our email: [email protected]
Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast
Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.
The “guitar riff” version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).
This episode was edited by David Mitchell!
Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to
Special thanks to Tyler Webb and the Unformatted Review Show for helping us with migrating the podcast to a new home! Each episode, Tyler and his friend, Chris, talk about a movie. They’re not family friendly, but their takes on these movies is worth listening to… without children nearby.
Commanderin’ MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
© Copyright 2019 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.

E159 – The Commander Advisory Group

SheldonMeneryscaryFirst among equals, the Godfather of EDH Sheldon Menery comes Commmanderin’ to talk about the brand new Commander Advisory Group, which Shivam is on!

Find Sheldon:
On Twitter: @sheldonmenery
On Star City Games:
On the Elder Dragon Statesmen podcast:

Thank you again for your support!

We are launching a video series showing us playing games! Want to be part of watching us play games? Sign up to support us here:

Support the show! or

See our episodes on YouTube:

We’re on iTunes!

Submit your decks to be reviewed here:

Our deck lists are on

Our web site is:

Commanderin’ is also on Podbay:

And you can find us on MTGCast:

You can find us on Instagram:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg
Phil is @phildeluca
Shivam is @elektrotal

You can find us on Twitter:
The podcast is @commanderinmtg –
Phil is @ketjak –
Shivam is @ghirapurigears –

Our email: [email protected]

Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast

Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess.

The “guitar riff” version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).

This episode was edited by David Mitchell!

Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca. You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to

Special thanks to Tyler Webb and the Unformatted Review Show for helping us with migrating the podcast to a new home! Each episode, Tyler and his friend, Chris, talk about a movie. They’re not family friendly, but their takes on these movies is worth listening to… without children nearby.

Commanderin’ MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

© Copyright 2019 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.